Change and uncertainty is in the air. The choices you make now will create your future. Are you looking for possibilities, or falling into hopelessness? It's not always easy to stay positive, I get that. Wherever you are, I'm reaching out to gift you a lifeline!
Do you remember when you looked at the world with wonder and enthusiasm? When magic and possibilities were in reach? At what age did you give that up? How much did that dim your light, and shrink your dreams? And invalidate your capacity to out-create difficult times?
It's possible to find it again, and turn it UP! Are you curious?
Begin by asking the question, "What is it I used to LOVE doing and being that sparked too much joy for other people to handle?"
Allow the awareness to unfold.
You may recall snapshots of events where you were made wrong for being so happy. If you do, simply POC & POD everything that comes up, to clear the energetic yuck.
Start choosing things that spark joy. Turn it up, rather than shrinking or turning it down, when other people react. When we turn it up, we become the invitation for others to choose joy for themselves.
What else can you add to your life that will expand your joy and possibilities?!
Want to go deeper?
Join me online for Finding Your Sparkle.