Meet Julie... continued

Julie Tuton is an artist, jeweler, magical creator, author, and mom. A Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness for 20 years, she facilitates with verbal and energetic treatments that ease your transformation. She has a razor sharp awareness that allows her to cut through to the core of your issues, with kindness and caring. She has always desired to inspire and empower people to be happy, and she loves to create beauty in the world.
Born in Boston, Julie has an East Coast edge, softened by over 30 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area. In her sessions and workshops she creates a space of non-judgment, allowing for your deepest difficulties to be uprooted and eliminated. Applying her awareness and practical tools to create big changes in her own life, she comes from a place of vulnerability, compassion, and knowing that if she could move through such transitions with ease, it is possible for others as well.
"I have always had a different way of looking at life and the magical possibilities that can exist. Trusting my awareness, I followed my dream to live in San Francisco. I created a successful business, got married, got a greatncar, birthed 2 beautiful kids, bought a Victorian house, with 2 cats in the yard... I had everything that was supposed to be a great life, yet I was not truly happy.
Asking the universe for "what else is possible?", I found the tools of Access Consciousness. They were so effective that I wanted to share them with the world. Desiring to empower others, I became a certified facilitator. It's so rewarding to share these tools so that you can transform any aspect of your life!
Now I travel around the world, facilitating individuals, couples and group workshops. I love facilitating people to greater and greater possibilities, and watching with wonder at how quickly and easily their lives sparkle & transform! ​
What are you desiring to create? What else might be possible for you that you have yet to choose?"
- Julie

Desiring private facilitation, or energetic treatments? Julie works with clients in person and online via Zoom video conferencing.